Can we heal the divide?

Serious question: our nation is so divided right now that nothing positive is getting done. We, the citizens, are suffering like never before and our media has become the propaganda arm or one side or the other.

Can our nation survive this or is the only solution some sort of revolution or secession making us into two distinct countries?

comments welcome.
I honestly believe that social media has done this to us. But, to answer your question, I don't know if we will ever be more civil with each other. The problem is, it's not like the civil war between the North and the South. And, it's not even red states vs blue states because, if you look at a map of the country county be county, we are a deeply red country, even in the blue states. The division basically comes down to the big cities vs the other areas and I just don't know how that plays out in some kind of civil disturbance.

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