Australian Covid Police Go After Precriminals

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Australian Covid Police Go After Precriminals

In a modern police state like Australia, you don’t have to actually commit thoughtcrime to earn an intimidating visit from police. Authorities have a handle on precrime. No doubt computer algorithms process online activity to determine precriminals who need a scare thrown into them before they do something terrible like attend a rally against Covid tyranny:

Australia’s heritage as a prison colony has been fully restored with the help of Covid hysteria. Big Tech has been helping out too.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

What it's no big deal starts to look like when it starts showing up at your door .....its for your own safety ..selfish bigot!

Australian Covid Police Go After Precriminals

In a modern police state like Australia,

You're an ignoramus like all republicans.
It is not a police state and you have no evidence to suggest it is.
I'm assuming you do not know the country is governed by the equivalent of the Republican party ( It's called the liberal party). I know you won't believe it because youre an ignorant lump never researching.

you don’t have to actually commit thoughtcrime to earn an intimidating visit from police. Authorities have a handle on precrime.
Wrong again. The people are visited by authorities to ensure they stay in lockdown because they exposed the virus to others. Not a single person disagrees with that.

No doubt computer algorithms process online activity to determine precriminals who need a scare thrown into them before they do something terrible like attend a rally against Covid tyranny:

You mean like the CIA do here? The chi war are allowed to access to them now. That must make you proud.

Australia’s heritage as a prison colony has been fully restored with the help of Covid hysteria.
In fact, so is America and you can research that also if you have the courage.
America didn't discover freedom dickhead. Every modern western society has it. You've tried export your fascist policies abroad and that failed also.

I don't understand why you would make an idiot of yourself by posting lies without checking. I know my facts about the persuasion of their government is basically Republican. I suspect wect you thought th er opposite and thought you'd take a swing at the left.

Get some facts before you spew your hate filled bile you ignoramus.

Big Tech has been helping out too.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

What it's no big deal starts to look like when it starts showing up at your door .....its for your own safety ..selfish bigot!

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