Australia agrees to take Syrian refugees


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Australia agrees to take Syrian refugees

AUSTRALIA will take in 500 Syrian refugees in response to a global call to assist people fleeing the bloody conflict in the Middle Eastern country.

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison confirmed Australia would join 16 other countries in a resettlement program driven by the United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR.
"The Australian government will work with the UNHCR to identify those offered the resettlement places, which will be targeted for highly vulnerable people in urgent need of protection," he said in a statement on Thursday.

Syria's neighbours - Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and Iraq - have absorbed the majority of the refugees, but as numbers grow to more than two million, the influx has strained resources and caused tensions.

Of the 17 countries, including the United States, signed up to the UNHCR program to offer 10,000 a total resettlement places, France has agreed to accept 1200 Syrian refugees.

Australia agrees to take Syrian refugees |


Anyone people who say that no Muslims should be allowed into the 'Christian' West as refugees/immigrants are immediately branded as 'Islamophobic', 'racist', 'a hate monger', and 'Breivik' etc by the PC brigades of 'appeasement', 'multiculturalism', and 'tolerance'.

Now look what's happened...possible al Qaeda terrorists in Kentucky, imported.

Al Qaeda terrorists of course were the ones who blew up NYC 9/11.

Maybe one day the lights will go on.

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