Anything Vs. Everything ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Or what defines a Potus { President } currently.
Or ... Donald Trump was virtually not afraid of Anything.
Whereas Joe Biden appears daily to be Afraid of Everything.
I guess SNL could Prove me wrong.Just show Donald Trump
going into a Cigar parlor loaded to the gills with Big Cigar
smokers.I doubt The Don would be seen smiling.
Whereas current Potus Biden might be game and decide
to light a cigar.But lights the wrong end and doesn't even realize it.
Like our Open Southern border and the fact that in his
Afghanistan Withdrawal we still haven't heard about some of those
stranded behind.
Whereby Trump would NEVER tolerate that ever.Being unafraid
to mention it daily.
There ya have it ... Folks.
Those who run the United States and are peevishly afraid of
everything in maintaining a Great country.
And those who used to run our Country { President Trump }
and provided nerves of steel.And prove it daily.
If this thread appears too rational then shame on me.

" But what is man? Shall I say a rational animal?
Assuredly not ....
Rene Descartes
Or what defines a Potus { President } currently.
Or ... Donald Trump was virtually not afraid of Anything.
Whereas Joe Biden appears daily to be Afraid of Everything.
I guess SNL could Prove me wrong.Just show Donald Trump
going into a Cigar parlor loaded to the gills with Big Cigar
smokers.I doubt The Don would be seen smiling.
Whereas current Potus Biden might be game and decide
to light a cigar.But lights the wrong end and doesn't even realize it.
Like our Open Southern border and the fact that in his
Afghanistan Withdrawal we still haven't heard about some of those
stranded behind.
Whereby Trump would NEVER tolerate that ever.Being unafraid
to mention it daily.
There ya have it ... Folks.
Those who run the United States and are peevishly afraid of
everything in maintaining a Great country.
And those who used to run our Country { President Trump }
and provided nerves of steel.And prove it daily.
If this thread appears too rational then shame on me.

" But what is man? Shall I say a rational animal?
Assuredly not ....
Rene Descartes

The military does not want Trump to be president again.
Perhaps not the hand picked generals and staff, but the rank and file certainly respects Trump. :smoke:
Nope. Remember that poll watcher who signed a sworn affidavit that said he couldn't believe how many votes were going to Biden? That's not evidence of anything other than the military not liking the commander and chief.

There is one branch of the military that likes Trump

Nearly 1 In 5 Defendants In Capitol Riot Cases Served In The Military​

Nope. Remember that poll watcher who signed a sworn affidavit that said he couldn't believe how many votes were going to Biden? That's not evidence of anything other than the military not liking the commander and chief.

There is one branch of the military that likes Trump

Nearly 1 In 5 Defendants In Capitol Riot Cases Served In The Military​


Oh brother.....

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