Afghan Province Leader Has Not Surrendered to Taliban - Threatens War


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Not all of Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban. Panjshir Province may be small (2nd smallest in Afghanistan), bigger than only its neighboring province (Kapisa), but it is fierce. According to a Dubai-based al-Arabiya TV channel report, Ahmad Massoud called on the formation of a comprehensive government to rule the country, with the participation of the Taliban, warning that war will be "unavoidable" if the insurgents refuse dialogue.

Massoud, son of Afghanistan's slain anti-Soviet resistance hero Ahmad Shah Massoud, spoke during an interview at his house in Bazarak.


Everyone is talking about a humiliation for the US, but this could be a humiliation for the Taliban, if they have to struggle to fight Massoud and his considerable military might, in Panjshir. Taliban leaders are worried that if war breaks out in Panjshir, and the Taliban are defeated, that success of Panjshir could spread to numerous neighboring provinces in northeast Afghanistan (Bahglan, Parvan, Kapisa, Lahgman, Nurestan, Badakhshan, Takhar) and even close-by Kabul itself (neighboring to Parvan, Kapisa, & Laghman). Taliban's domino problem.

That's Massoud's kid. He was a famous Afghan leader of the Northern Alliance. He was assassinated. Your tax dollars should be flooding his way shortly. If he lives for another week.
He was assassinated on September 10, 2001. There was speculation that he found out about 9/11 and was killed to keep him from warning anyone. He was a quasi ally against the Iranians.
He was assassinated on September 10, 2001. There was speculation that he found out about 9/11 and was killed to keep him from warning anyone. He was a quasi ally against the Iranians.
IDK about all that. The Afghans whack each other for breakfast. His kid looks a little too 'pressed', like he has been stored away for such an occasion.
Sorry, Trump's not in office any longer. He's the one who committed to the withdrawal.
The withdrawl isn't the "mess".. The mess is withdrawing troops, BEFORE withdrawing people who need to be evacuated (Americans & American-friendly Aghans).

And also before removing (or destroying) American military equipment.

And probably included in the evacuation-need group should be women & children, due to the Taliban's assinine Sharia policies.
He was assassinated on September 10, 2001. There was speculation that he found out about 9/11 and was killed to keep him from warning anyone. He was a quasi ally against the Iranians.
OK, but this is not a history class.
Looks like the Taliban was is not over. Hundreds of Taliban are heading for the Pjanshir valley, and Pjanshirs are ready and waiting for them. If Biden has a grain of common sense in his empty head, he would authorize air strikes to hit the Taliban convoys, while they proceed on the open, desert road leading to Pjanshir, where, with no trees or cover of any kind, they would be sitting ducks. Also, the road is a narrow pass, which would prevent the Taliban convoy from decentralizing and dispursing to hinder the air (or any ambush attack).

More Biden INACTION. More failure. Looks like it will be up to the Pjanshirs alone, to fight for their freedom, although it is reported that Afghan Army soldiers from all over Afghanistan, have gone to Pjanshir and joined up with the resistance force there.

They are force to be reckoned with, and the Taliban troops are in for a fierce battle, if they go there. In addition to the Pjanshir troops and the Afghan Army troops now with them, there are also militia groups in the Baghlan Province, who fought the Taliban last week, and defeated them, taking back 3 districts in that province.

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That's Massoud's kid. He was a famous Afghan leader of the Northern Alliance. He was assassinated. Your tax dollars should be flooding his way shortly. If he lives for another week.
Wasn't his father the one who was assassinated by a suicide bomber just prior to 9-11?
Looks like the Taliban was is not over. Hundreds of Taliban are heading for the Pjanshir valley, and Pjanshirs are ready and waiting for them. If Biden has a grain of common sense in his empty head, he would authorize air strikes to hit the Taliban convoys, while they proceed on the open, desert road leading to Pjanshir, where, with no trees or cover of any kind, they would be sitting ducks. Also, the road is a narrow pass, which would prevent the Taliban convoy from decentralizing and dispursing to hinder the air (or any ambush attack).

More Biden INACTION. More failure. Looks like it will be up to the Pjanshirs alone, to fight for their freedom, although it is reported that Afghan Army soldiers from all over Afghanistan, have gone to Pjanshir and joined up with the resistance force there.

They are force to be reckoned with, and the Taliban troops are in for a fierce battle, if they go there. In addition to the Pjanshir troops and the Afghan Army troops now with them, there are also militia groups in the Baghlan Province, who fought the Taliban last week, and defeated them, taking back 3 districts in that province.

He could certainly use this as leverage to get Taliban cooperation on the evacuation efforts. If he doesn't then it becomes even more clear that we already have a de-facto hostage crisis underway.
Sorry, Trump's not in office any longer. He's the one who committed to the withdrawal.
Nice try. You folks keep ignoring the rest of his deal. It makes all the difference and you avoid speaking of it because you KNOW it was the difference between 2500 troops keeping the Taliban at bay versus the thousands Joe is being forced to send back in. There were concessions made by both sides in the negotiations and a few times the Taliban broke their word and got slapped down HARD. That's what's known as "conditions-based" drawdown/ withdrawal. Your prez, captain Rutabega, withdrew the troops with no regard for holding the Taliban accountable until our people and allies made it out.

So, keep talking shyte if you want to but you've been proven wrong consistently on this lie and all I can say is:

Sorry, Trump's not in office any longer. He's the one who committed to the withdrawal.
enjoy your TRUMP orgasm, shit stain
TRUMP is not running the shit show, retard, beijing xiden and the scum demonRATS are doing that--duh
Wasn't his father the one who was assassinated by a suicide bomber just prior to 9-11?
Yes - he was murdered Sept. 10, 2001, probably to keep him from warning us about the upcoming attacks in New York & DC.
Nice try. You folks keep ignoring the rest of his deal. It makes all the difference and you avoid speaking of it because you KNOW it was the difference between 2500 troops keeping the Taliban at bay versus the thousands Joe is being forced to send back in. There were concessions made by both sides in the negotiations and a few times the Taliban broke their word and got slapped down HARD. That's what's known as "conditions-based" drawdown/ withdrawal. Your prez, captain Rutabega, withdrew the troops with no regard for holding the Taliban accountable until our people and allies made it out.

So, keep talking shyte if you want to but you've been proven wrong consistently on this lie and all I can say is:

Trump had already conceded everything to the Taliban in February of 2020.
The withdrawl isn't the "mess".. The mess is withdrawing troops, BEFORE withdrawing people who need to be evacuated (Americans & American-friendly Aghans).

And also before removing (or destroying) American military equipment.

And probably included in the evacuation-need group should be women & children, due to the Taliban's assinine Sharia policies.

The US has no jurisdiction over expats abroad. They had 20 months to pack up and leave.

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